Raise your hand if you love a good (and easy to set up) classroom transformation! -Insert me holding up both hands-
My first grade team and I typically planned one classroom transformation each quarter. In the spring, we created Camp Day for our students! A camping classroom transformation was all about review for us. The beauty of a Camp Day classroom transformation is that it can be done at any time of the year! The spring was a great time to do it for us, as we were preparing for testing. Therefore, we had A LOT to review!
We set up reading centers for the morning, math centers for the afternoon, with a fun camp themed writing project or camping craft sprinkled in throughout the day. We ended the day with yummy s’mores! Keep reading for more tips about Camp Day and grab a freebie at the end!
Camp Day Classroom Transformation Activities

I have been spending a lot of time recently getting my Camp Day activities listed in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. My bundle will make it SO easy to plan for a camping classroom transformation in your room! I have included 250+ pages of writing projects, math centers, write the room activities, and crafts! Click the picture to check it out!

Your students will love writing about making a s’more! Students will write down the materials needed, the steps to take, and complete a final draft and craft! A flip book template is included too! Other than “How to Make a S’more,” I have included “How to Set up a Tent,” “Tent vs. Camper,” and “Packing for Camp” writing projects in my camp day bundle of resources.

I have your math needs covered in my camping classroom transformation bundle! Students will review addition, graphing, 100 chart skills, 10 more 10 less, and more with this packet!

If you thought that was all, nope! My camp day bundle is packed full of reading, writing, and math activities! Get your students moving around the classroom with this Write the Room literacy center! Hang the camp themed vocabulary cards around the classroom and give each student a copy of the recording sheet. Students will find the words and record them! A fun, s’mores themed sight word activity is included in this bundle too! Students will use letters printed on marshmallow images to build sight words.
Camp Day Classroom Transformation Freebie

I have a free camp day math activity for you on the blog! Set this up as one of your camping math rotations! I have included this math center in the bundle, but if you aren’t planning on grabbing the camp day bundle, grab this freebie! Camp Day Number Bump reviews addition and is played with a partner. Students take turns rolling two dice and adding the numbers. Using a counter or block, the student will cover their answer on the game board. If their partner already has the number covered, they get to “bump” them off! The fun and the learning never end! Click the picture to grab it!
More Tips for a Successful Camp Day Classroom Transformation
Tip #1: Half the fun of a classroom transformation is decorating the classroom! Students get so excited when they show up to the room and see it “transformed!” My favorite (and the most inexpensive) item to use for decorating and setting up a classroom transformation is……drum roll please……plastic tablecloths! They cost almost nothing, come in every color imaginable, can be reused, and can be used on tables, desks, the floor, and hung from the ceiling! I used blue plastic tablecloths to create a lake for Camp Day, brown ones to make tents, and green ones to designate the “campsite.”
Tip #2: Keep the day simple! When doing a classroom transformation, I like to follow a simple formula when scheduling the day.
- At least 2 writing/craft projects
- 4 reading rotations
- 4 math rotations
- 1 read aloud
- 1 fun snack or science activity
I start the day with a fun writing and craft project. Then I break the class up for rotations (reading in the morning and math in the afternoon). I plan roughly four rotations each for reading and math. I choose a read aloud for after lunch. Towards the end of the day, we will enjoy a fun snack or science project! Keep it simple! A classroom transformation should be exciting, not stressful!
I really hope this information has been helpful! Every picture in this post is linked to the product, and I would be so blessed if you checked them out! Leave a comment if you are planning a classroom transformation!
Leighton Sharp
Leighton Sharp
Whitley Delgado
Whitley Delgado
Gianna Dodson
Gianna Dodson