Are you planning any end of year theme days for your classroom? I loved every chance I had to do a theme day in my first grade classroom. Today, I am sharing with you a FREE end of year math activity perfect for a CAMPING theme day!
Some popular end of year theme days include camp day, lemonade day, watermelon day, bubble day, movie day, etc. Each one can be a fun way to wrap up the school year and enjoy making extra classroom memories.
I loved my class’ camp day! It was a great way to practice the skills we had been learning all year, and a fun way to incorporate some end of year math and reading activities.
The FREEBIE I have for you today is a Camp Day Number Bump partner game. This end of year math activity is perfect for reviewing addition facts in first grade. All you need is two players, two dice, and colored counters or game pieces. Students take turns rolling the two dice and adding together the numbers. The player who rolled the dice and added the numbers will cover the answer on the game board. If their partner already has that number covered, they bump them off! THE GAME NEVER ENDS! It’s so much fun and your students will love it! I have included color and black and white in the download. Scroll down to get it!
End of Year Math Activities: Camp Theme Day

Do you want an entire bundle of camp theme math activities? Check out this product in my TPT store! This bundle of end of year math activities includes addition, graphing, 100 chart fluency, and 10 more and 10 less math centers and games. Click the picture to check it out. Only $3.00 for 8 math activities!
Grab your FREEBIE
Enter your email into the form below to grab your free end of year math activity, perfect for a camp theme day! I promise, your students are going to love this game and get so much addition practice from it!
Thank you!
Thank you
Jennifer Nieuwenhuis
Thank you!