
My name is Haley, and I currently live in Central Virginia with my husband of almost 5 years! I graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education. I did my student teaching in East Asia before settling down in Virginia. I spent the next 5 years teaching at a rural elementary school, teaching Kindergarten for a half year, 1st Grade for four years, and was a remediation teacher for grades K-5 for one year.

yellow pencil color in clear glass case

Why am I am online teacher now? I decided to take a step back from full-time teaching last year, when my mental health was suffering. I adored my students and my school, but I was spending about an hour and half everyday commuting to and from work, on top of being completely exhausted. My husband and I want to start our own family soon, so we decided I would take a step back and focus more on my health and wellness! Now I tutor online, create and sell classroom resources, and share all the things as I figure them out!

What does Bugs and Buttercups mean? The name for my TPT store comes from the idea that I wanted to make resources for teachers that gave them back some of their time. Teachers plan SO MANY different things every day. I want to help! I want to help teachers claim more time to focus on relationship building and strong content teaching.

Now, picture your kiddos at recess. They always want to bring you flowers that they have picked and bugs that they have killed. Hence the name, Bugs and Buttercups!

Any clipart I have used in my blog design comes from the very talented Rainbow Sprinkle Studio. Click the logo to check out her work!